Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The last couple of days...

Yesterday, we just cleaned up in the beginning portion of the class, then worked on the computers. We caught up on some unfinished blog work and stuff of that nature. Today we started the process of making the fuel again. Half of our class measured the 1 liter of oil into the bottles and the other half put the 12 grams of sodium hydroxide and 220ML of methanol into the jars and shook untill dissolved. We are almost comming to an end, now that we have done it before the second batch will go more smoothly. Tomorrow we are going to finish up measuring the 1 lieter of oil into the bottles. Then we will add the mixed methanol and sodium hydroxide into our bottles. The sodium hydroxide, and the shaking of the jars are the catalyst because a catalyst is what causes chemicals to highly react.

1 comment:

  1. My class started the 2nd one too :D
    Mine came out really good. No fats on the top, and had lots of biodiesel.
    THe hardest thing in this experiment would be shacking the jar with sodium hydroxide and methanol in it. It took me about 15~20 min. to disolve it completely, which made me really tired D:
