Monday, May 2, 2011

Second Blog Post

Over the past couple of days, I have collected a ton of information about biodisel! Is a website that provides great information on biodiesel's benefits. The website reassures that nobody has yet hurt them selfs in anyway while making the homebrewed biodiesel. Vegatable oil is the most easy and practicle approach to making it. explains how it produces fewer polluting emissions, supplies of it can be renewed indefinitely, and because feedstock materials can be grown domestically, use of it can help bolster the U.S. economy while lessening this country’s dependence on foreign petroleum products.

I think the most practicle approach to cleaning the vegtable oil is following the steps shown on the website

Step 1- Let the oil cool.
Step 2- Line the strainer with cheese cloth.
Step 3- Hook strainer to the container, a strainer with hooks generally works better with a large plastic pitcher.
Step 4- SLOWLY pour cooking oil into strainer, the faster you do it the more likley you are to get food stuck in the strainer.


  1. I love your post :D Will you add any more steps to those? It sounds good, but i think we'll need some more details.

  2. I like your procedures for cleaning the oil but what are you going to use the cheesecloth for?
